Hada Labo Grape Extract Brightening & Moisturizing Face Wash 100G

Hada Labo Grape Extract Brightening & Moisturizing Face Wash 100G

Package size : 100G
SKU : 2574722
ENU : 6917246013296
Save 88.00
87 THB
175 THB


Product detail

Foaming face wash for clear, soft and moisturized skin. - Combining natural values Gently clean your face. - Brighter skin with red grape extract - Smooth and soft to the touch with sesame seed extract - Ready to fill and retain moisture in the skin with hyaluronic acid - Mild formula, free from alcohol, mineral oil, perfume and color. Pros: Gently cleanses facial skin. with natural value Ready to nourish the skin to be clear and smooth and soft.

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